External flash worksheet

1-When would you use external flash? To bounce Your Flash on One of the most important things that dramatically affects the quality of photographs is the ability to bounce the light from the flash onto the subject via ceilings, walls, or other objects.

2-Do you need to meter the light if you use flash? No, you do not.

3-What does flash synchronization mean? Flash synchronization is the timing of the flash with the shutter of the camera.

4-What does ETTL mean? ETTL stands for Evaluative Through-The-Lens, an auto flash mode for cameras.

5-What will happen when you shoot faster than the camera sync speed? The second curtain starts to close before the second.

6-Why do photographers bounce the flash and use a diffuser? To soften the light.

7– What is a slave?  it is used to instructs a flash unit to monitor incoming light, and fire when it senses the light produced by another flash unit firing unit called “master” to fire.

8-What should you do if your image comes out too dark or too light? Use the exposure compensation setting on your camera to correct for under or over exposure.

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