Ten important tips

Lighting Is Everything

This is an important tip because without lighting your picture will not look as good as it would with lighting, and it even gives it more life.

Establish Your Own Compositional Rules

Establishing your own rules can help you create or have a certain way to shoot certain things.

It’s All in the Details

A picture without details is nothing, you need details for people to be interested in your work.

Shoot like a Pro, Think like a Student

This is great advice because if you have the skills of a pro and you think like a student there is many creative things that you can come up with.

Sometimes Auto Is Exactly What Is Needed

This is true because, maybe there is things happening to fast and you really want to capture a great image, this is when auto can help you a lot.

Read the Manual

This can help you learn how to use your camera and even help you know things about your camera that you did not know.

How Are You Leading Your Viewer?

But your audience only knows it for how it draws their attention to something, or creates a dynamic feel to your image.

It’s Hard to Be Interesting

You need to have a good subject and to make it

Eyes Are the Prize

eyes usually add more life to a picture and tell a story behind someone.

Experiment and Play

experimenting will help you get better work

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